Save the Date: Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 3:00 PM!
APAHA and Levy Park Houston present a collaborative show featuring artists Christy Panis Poisot (spoken word poet), Rea Sampilo (Filipino folkloric modern healing dance), and Donnie Vendivel (percussions) from Filipinx Artists of Houston, and Li Fu Simone Olivier (Daoist Priest, Tai Chi) from Four Dragons Institute - Tai Chi for Health & Longevity, presented by Alief Art House and APAHA.
This performance will plot ancient Asian art forms in syncopation with modern day expressions that naturally resonate within us today. We feature the arts and nature, as a source of healing and cohesion which are much needed by our diverse community in these unprecedented times.
Free event and outdoor family fun.
Levy Park Houston is at 3801 Eastside St., Houston, Texas 77098
Connect with the artists on Instagram:
Filipinx Artists of Houston @filipinxartistsofhouston
Four Dragons Tai Chi @fourdragons_taichi
Alief Art House @aliefarthouse
Christy Panis Poisot @mschristy_tx
Rea Sampilo @rcsampilo32
Donnie Vendivel @donnievendivel
